Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Book list

I never had a good reading habit until i started reading Buffett's letters.  The book that drawn out my reading bug was Tap Dancing to Work (2013?).  The book that helped me to let go and quit Morgan Stanley was The Education of a Value Investor.  These 2 books are worthy of special mention here.

This particular blog is a working document, part of my filing system.

This is my book list, sectioned into
1) WIP - Books I am reading right now
2) Books queued to be read (and prioritised)
3) Books that I've read since 6/2015 after i became a full time dad (hopefully i'll start writing a blog on each book when i complete)

1) WIP - What I am reading right now
- John Neff on Investing (Audio Book)

2) Books in the queue to be read (this list is important as it is how books are prioritised to be read)
- The Base Rate Book 
- Quality of Earnings
- Value Investing - from Graham Buffett & Beyond (Greewald)
- anything i can find on Schloss
- Peter Cundill - as he got into Value Investing in his 40's
- 投資中最簡單的事

3) Books that I've read since 6/2015
- 用心於不交易
- 我的職業是股東 5/9
- Randy Kwei bio (7/8)
- 平民資本家 (16/8)
- 證券分析實踐 31/8
- 羅健昌-價值投資大時代
- Paris Value Investing - What they don't teach in Uni
- Snowball
- Party Man, Company Man: Is China State Capitalism Doomed?
- Shadow Banking in China - Joe Zhang
- The Most Important Thing - Howard Marks
- 香港經典并購
- 百年利豐
- 與CEO對話 2006
- Benjamin Franklin Biography (audiobook)
- Munger - the complete investor (audiobook)
- Fooled by Randomness (audiobook)
- 香港股史 1841-1997
- 居安思危
- Influence (Audiobook) 30/4/16
- The Aggressive Conservative Investor 11/5/16 - Martin Whitman
- Thinking fast and slow
- The Little book that still beats the market
- Manual of Ideas
- 黃國英
- A Conversation with Money - Tony Choi
- The Money Master
- The Money Master - II
- Business Adventure
- Vincent Lam - small cap stocks selection 捕捉細價股:市場分析實戰
- 價值捍衛戰 - Vincent Lam
- 步上一億元財富之道 - Vincent Lam
- One Man's View of the World - LKY
- 計論明星股 (16/9/16)
- the intelligent investor - audio book (24/9/16)
- 財經報導實戰手冊 (楊生華)
- *** 破解上市公司易容術 (黃玲)
- Quantitative Value
- What's behind the numbers (audio book)
- More than you know (Moubourssin)
- Why Moats Matter (Audio Book)
- Deep Value
- 郝承林 - 致富新世代二 科綱君臨天下
- Outsiders (Audiobook)

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